In addition to training, publications and advocacy, National Unrecovered Financial Services Payments Association is pleased to offer NACHA Rules, Appendix Eight ACH Audit Services.
Why Risk Non-Compliance?
Our experienced Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) staff will come to your site and provide you with a quality NACHA Rules, Appendix Eight Audit you can trust! Receive on-site training as we explain in detail the Rule requirements during the audit. In addition, we will review your procedures and controls and share industry best practices.
We go above and beyond the scope of the NACHA audit, reviewing compliance for processing Federal Government Reclamations as we understand that non-compliance can be costly.
Don’t wait for the December 31st deadline as the audit can be performed in any quarter this year.
To find out more, please call 1-800-439-5176 (Option 3) or send an email to our Payments Association team.