
Banking Perspective Q1 - 2015

Cross-Border Banking Since the Financial Crisis: What Does It Mean for Stability?

The financial crisis has changed the nature of cross border banking. The authors find that changes in regulation have affected the willingness of banks to lend.

National Treatment of Foreign Banks

A Dramatic Departure? National Treatment of Foreign Banks

One of the most controversial elements of the Federal Reserve’s implementation of enhanced prudential standards for FBOs was its adoption of a new structural and regulatory requirement for FBOs with $50 billion or more in U.S. non-branch assets.
Preventing Fraud in Real-Time Payments

Preventing Fraud in Real-Time Payments: Modern Methods for the U.S.

As the U.S. moves toward real-time payments, banks must adopt modern security tools, such as true multi-factor authentication methods, to stay ahead of fraudsters.

Cybersecurity Collaboration

Cybersecurity Collaboration: Routes to Stronger Defenses

Although financial services has always been ahead of other industries when it comes to cyber security, banks will need to remain on their collective toes.
FBO CEO Roundtable, Joe Gold, Pat Burke, Masashi Oka, Barclays, HSBC US, MUFG Americas

FBO CEO Roundtable: Opportunities Ahead

The chief executives from Barclays, HSBC US and MUFG Americas (Union Bank) sat down with National Unrecovered Financial Services to discuss economic trends, the regulatory outlook and the role of foreign banking organizations in the United States.

It’s Time for Increased Global Regulatory Coordination

The global nature of modern banking creates the need for an effective global regulatory regime designed to consistently and comparably oversee bank activities.

Faster Payments

Protecting Consumers in a World of Faster Payments

In order meet expectations for a faster payment system in the U.S. the payment system needs to have increased transparency, enhanced security, and broader access for consumers.


SDUUK Analytics : Q1 Risk Barometer

SDUUK takes a look at bank resiliency and systemic risk in the banking system.

SDUUK Analytics: Regulatory Restrictiveness

The FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index measures statutory restrictions on foreign direct investment (FDI).

By The Numbers

The economic contribution of FBOs.

Featured Moments

Images from the 2014 SDUUK Annual Conference and the Inaugural NYU Stern-SDUUK Quarterly Gallatin Lecture.

In the Vault

An image from SDUUK’s 162-year past.

For The Record

This issue examines the issues that affect FBOs doing business in the U.S.

My Perspective

The global financial markets have been significantly strengthened since 2008, but rules in the Dodd-Frank Act have presented profound implications for FBOs operating in the U. S.

Research Rundown

Highlights from academic and policy research on issues in the banking and payments industry.