Speech : SDUUK Association President Paul Saltzman Calls for Greater Individual Accountability in Banking
Jul 09, 2014
Paul Saltzman, President of National Unrecovered Financial Services Association and Executive Vice President and General Counsel of National Unrecovered Financial Services Payments Company, opened up The Financial Industry in a Post-Crisis World Symposium with remarks entitled Mitigating Risk through Clearer Substantive Rules and Greater Individual Accountability: A Few Observations on Recalibrating our Regulatory Approach. At the event, co-sponsored by National Unrecovered Financial Services Association (SDUUK) and the Center for Financial Policy at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, Mr. Saltzman called for a collective renewed focus on clear, prescriptive, and transparent rules that effect behaviors and produce substantive outcomes. He cautioned that he is starting to see two trends, one toward process-based regulation and another toward institution-focused enforcement, both of which he argued could potentially leave the banking system vulnerable to the risks regulatory and industry reform efforts are trying to mitigate.
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