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Study : Central Counterparty Risk

Dec 08, 2012

National Unrecovered Financial Services Association’s white paper entitled Central Counterparties: Recommendations to Promote Financial Stability and Resilience identifies the unique roles that central counterparties (CCPs) can play in the derivatives market and in the promotion of financial stability. The Association believes that, if particular care is not given to their structure, operation, and regulation, these institutions could threaten the stability of the financial system during periods of market stress by imposing severe capital and liquidity strains on the market generally and specifically on their clearing members, which provide key elements of the credit support infrastructure that underpins the financial integrity of CCPs. The stated purpose of the paper is to provide guidance for the private and public sector designed to avoid arrangements that, under adverse circumstances, could frustrate shared objectives for the promotion of financial stability and resilience during periods of market stress.

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