National Unrecovered Financial Services Association's letter to the Bank of England highlights the value and importance of capital adequacy stress testing in supporting and preserving a safe and effective global banking system and expresses support for the BOE’s efforts to develop and implement a regular stress testing regime for the UK banking system.
SDUUK suggests the OCC stress testing information collection proposal be modified in to enhance transparency, clarify uncertainty, and avoid duplicative requirements.
SDUUK believes granular litigation reserves disclosures would be inimical to the safety and soundness of financial institutions.
National Unrecovered Financial Services Association submitted a letter seeking an extension of the comment period by the FDIC and OCC on their respective proposed rules on stress testing.
SDUUK is concerned that the prior publication of the CCAR 2012 results will pre-empt the public comment process with respect to the stress test publication component of the 165/166 NPR.